A question I ask all my new massage therapy clients is what their preferred pressure is during a massage. Everyone has different sensitivity levels so I feel it’s important to …
“How much pressure is enough?”
Is that a word I jus wrote? No idea, but it’s what I call a fear of going to the gym. I’ve worked with a lot a people over the …
“Do I need to do strength training?”
The short answer to this question is a resounding ‘YESSSSSS!’ Byeee thank you for reading! Just kidding, there’s more! I think strength training should actually be the foundation for fitness …
“Do Your Hands Hurt?”
As a massage therapist, I get asked a lot of questions from my clients. One of the most common ones is definitely ‘do your hands hurt after giving a massage?’ …
A little bit about me
An introduction to how I ended up becoming a massage therapist