Is that a word I jus wrote? No idea, but it’s what I call a fear of going to the gym. I’ve worked with a lot a people over the years, and one of the common issues I see when it comes to getting people to start a workout routine is the lack of self confidence around others in a gym setting.
It’s a very understandable concern for some people too! If you’re not comfortable with the way you look, it can be quite a leap to do a physical exercise routine in front of people you don’t know. This applies to both men and women alike!
As much as my super macho inner manly man would like to say ‘put your big boy pants on and deal with it!!’ I realize that is not a viable option for everyone. Plus, I can tell you from experience, there are definitely some creeps that go to gyms, so these concerns are not necessarily completely unfounded. Just know that the creeps are definitely few and far between, and most gym goers are friendly and respectable.
Here’s some tips and things to keep in mind if you’re struggling to build up enough confidence to start going to a gym.
1. Most of the gym members have probably had some form of anxiety about going to a gym when they first started too! Going to a strange place and working out in front of a bunch of strangers can be intimidating at first for everyone!
2. Everyone looks silly when they work out. Everyone. Unless you are doing something that is completely off the wall crazy, chances are no one is going to be making any harsh judgments about you or your routine. If anyone is making harsh judgements about you, they’re most likely a miserable jerk face anyhow (did I just make a judgement about someone?)
3. Try out multiple gyms and try going at different times of the day if you’re able. Some gyms have different vibes than others, so if you’re just not feeling comfortable in one place, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with going somewhere else. Most places these days offer some sort of trial membership, so take advantage and try out some places before making a final decision on where to go.
4. Don’t be afraid to ask questions! If you’re struggling with something don’t be afraid to ask a fellow gym member or a trainer for help or advice. I promise you we’re not nearly as intimidating and ‘RA RA RA’ as depicted on television. We’re all here to succeed and also make sure that you have the opportunity for success too!
Hopefully this helps ease some tensions about getting to a gym and starting a routine. Best of luck to you!